Why Cannabis Soil Is a Top Choice for the Home Grower

cannabis soil
For large scale dispensary operations and cannabis facility design, the decision to grow with soil or hydroponics is based on many factors. But as cannabis laws and regulations continue to expand ways in which people can legally grow, consume and sell marijuana, home growing operations are becoming more popular than ever. While the average home grower does not need to worry about cannabis licensing and cannabis marketing, they do need to carefully consider what growing medium to use.

Three Immediate Advantages to Choosing Soil for the New Grower

The choice boils down to hydroponics, aeroponics, and soil. While people tend to picture plants grown in water when they hear hydroponics or aeroponics, that actually refers to plants grown in any medium other than soil, including sand and gravel. So while all operations based in soil growing will have some very marked similarities, there is an extremely wide range of hydroponic systems, each with their own set of factors and concerns.
For instance, while all soil growing operations require a grower to take care that their plants are receiving the right amount of water, a grower using a water hydroponic system does not have to worry about watering plants, while someone using a sand hydroponic system must take that into account. And that is one of the big advantages of choosing soil: because soil growing operations are all fundamentally similar, especially when broken down to indoor/outdoor and container and planted in the ground, there are more resources for the soil grower, especially when it comes to initial set-up and troubleshooting, than there are for hydroponics. It is very easy to find a guide for a soil set-up that will meet a home grower’s specific needs and variables, whereas hydroponic systems tend to more unique, as well as expensive.
And while the concept of using hydroponics to grow plants is hardly new; it has been going at least as far back as the time of the Aztecs, for the average home grower, it remains a novel concept. For the person who is just getting started growing cannabis, hoping to apply their previous gardening experience to cultivating marijuana, soil is the clear choice because home gardening experience does carry over.
A final advantage involving initial set-up is the cost, and almost always, the initial set up cost is less for soil than it is for hydroponics or aeroponics.

So in terms of getting started, soil has some very clear advantages:

  • It is easier to find helpful resources to help set up and troubleshoot.
  • Previous home gardening experience carries over.
  • Initial set up costs are lower.

The Cons of Choosing Soil

With all of these advantages to initially choosing soil, you may wonder why hydroponics remains such a popular choice for marijuana cultivation. For a home grower looking to maximize yield above all else, then hydroponics might be the right choice, but for many home growers, quality is valued much more over quantity, so the ability to cultivate the ‘right’ plant, is more important than having the fastest or largest harvest. Many a soil grower believes that soil-grown cannabis produces a better taste than hydroponics.
There are a couple of other important advantages to growing hydroponically. Pests that can damage a crop tend to live in the soil, so removing that also removes the threat of pests. The soil grower, especially the outdoor soil grower, must be vigilant and take measures to prevent any infestation of possible pests. For a container grower, switching the soil between every planting cycle will go a long way towards eliminating the threat of pests, and has the added advantage of being able to guarantee the grower is able to get the precise mix of nutrients and fertilizer that they want, every time.
Finally, there are those hydroponic growers who believe that their set-ups are the lowest maintenance operations. The lowest maintenance operation is always the one that each individual grower has perfected and best fits their own needs and goals, and for some, this is a hydroponic set-up, but it takes a large investment of both time and money to create a low-maintenance hydroponic growth operation.

So while soil is an excellent choice for the home grower there are some advantages to hydroponics:

  • Hydroponically grown cannabis may grow faster.
  • Hydroponic harvests tend to yield more.
  • Hydroponic plants can be susceptible to pests.
  • Some well-established hydroponic set-ups are very low-maintenance.


The Long-Term Advantages of Choosing Soil:

There are several long-term advantages to choosing soil that has nothing to do with the experience level of the grower. One of the largest is the taste of the harvested plant. And while that is, of course, a subjective metric, many experts believe that the flavor of soil-grown is superior. Another similar characteristic where soil has the advantage is how much easier it is to do completely naturally or officially organic. Many hydroponic systems require chemicals to be added that are neither natural nor organic and whether it is due to the grower’s personal preference, or having an all-natural product is important for cannabis marketing, that can often be a deal breaker.
Another big long-term advantage is maintenance. While each hydroponic system will have its own level of maintenance, some of which are fairly complex, all soil systems have a pretty even level of maintenance, where the main components occur during planting and in the watering stages. On the whole, the level of maintenance required by a soil system tends to be simpler, more straightforward and more inexpensive than hydroponics. Overall soil systems tend to be slightly more forgiving to inattention on the part of the grower. While having the wrong PH or nutrient levels in a hydroponic system can spell disaster for an entire crop if not quickly corrected, with a soil system, it’s more likely to be salvageable even if not corrected right away. The flip side of this is that problems can be slower to emerge and treat, but for hobbyist growers, for whom this is not a full-time job, having an operation that allows them to forget checking nutrient levels every so often is a worthwhile trade-off.
Whereas the choice to go with hydroponics or soil is an important one to every cannabis grower, when it comes to the home grower, especially the home grower who is just getting started cultivating cannabis, soil has some very marked advantages. Contact us today for more information!

Get to Know Super Soil

Super Soil?

What makes super soil “super?” The term “super” is a connotation given to potting soil that maintains and delivers all the necessary amendments to the plant, at exactly the right time during its growth cycle and without the need to manage pH or add extra nutrients. The Term “Super Soil” was coined by an organic farmer known as Subcool to describe a super soil recipe designed to help simplify the growing process while still maintaining quality control. Subcool is a published author and an award winning grower with over 30 years of agricultural and horticulture experience.

Low-Maintenance Organics, really?

Super soil was developed around the theory that a properly balanced, nutrient-rich soil would never have a pH or nutrient imbalance. A Super soil potting mix like SoHum Living Soils™ eliminate the experimentation needed to achieve these proper levels, thereby freeing up time without risk of human error. All you must do is ADD WATER!

Organic Super Soil Mix

Why should I switch to a Super Soil?

It’s hard to argue with quality, especially when it comes at a lower cost. When using super soils, plant quality remains high while still maintaining consistency. Whether you are gardening peppers, tomatoes or cucumbers, you will see the same fantastic taste and smell across the board.

In terms of cost, consider all the different nutrients you would spend money on to facilitate plant growth at each stage of development. When comparing two plants growing in 5-gallon pots under a 1000W double ended bulb, with one pot containing super soil and the other pot comprised of a soil base and nutrient additives, you are looking at 4x less in cost.

To answer this question, point blank, super soil will save you time and money while highest quality product.

How can I obtain Super Soil?

I’m sure you have already googled recipes at this point to find the best super soil potting mix. SoHum Living Soils™ takes care of the hard part for you and packages it up so you can make your garden grow. This super soil was designed in Southern Humboldt County, California and perfected in Denver, Colorado. We make this super soil potting mix by hand, with premium organic amendments. Stop by our office in person or visit our shop at sohumsoils.com.

Living Soil – A Must Have for Natural Cultivation

Unlock the secrets in the soil

Maximum Quality Yields. Mother Nature Approved.

Chances are you’ve heard about SoHum Living Soils through the grape vine (pun intended?). If you’ve tasted products grown in living soil, then you have experienced the deliciousness first hand. Living organic soil is the best way to naturally aid plants in achieving their fullest genetic potential. At this point, you are probably asking yourself, “What is living soil?” SoHum provides an all-natural, organic cultivation methodology.  Living soil provides a healthy ecosystem and steady supply of nutrients for plants throughout their life-cycle.

When you look at a living soil, you might just see plain old dirt.  In actuality, you are looking at millions of tiny beneficial organisms that live harmoniously with each other, which helps to break down the rich organic matter within the soil. These microscopic organisms found in living soil are part of an ecosystem that provides plants with a properly balanced diet and healthy root structures for sustained growth.

From seed to harvest, a plant requires a full buffet of premium nutrients to reach its full genetic potential. Individuals not using a living soil, have to simulate this environment by force feeding their plants macro and micro nutrients and carbohydrate boosters on a set feeding schedule.  This makes plant growth reliant on human interaction.  This is just not as Mother Nature has intended. If there is an imbalance of nutrients or error in the feeding schedule, this error can lead to stunted plant development or even crop failure.  A living soil allows the plant be the boss, taking the human out, allowing it to feed and nourish itself as required.

Living Soil Nurtures Diverse Ecosystems

A living soil is an ecosystem of macro and micro beneficial bacteria that supports and nourishes plants by providing a healthy and sustainable supply of nutrients, without dependency of chemicals or pesticides. The living organisms found in living soil include but are not limited to nematodes (tiny worms), fungi, bacteria and other beneficial organisms. Soil is a part of life that exists and thrives in nature. A diverse range of living things found in the soil contribute to the success of living soil:

  • Macro-fauna such as slugs, earthworms and termites
  • Micro-flora including a range of varieties of soil molds, fungi, molds, algae and yeasts
  • Micro-fauna like many types of protozoa and bacteria in soil
  • Other microbes such as actinomycetes

Reaching Full Genetic Potential

Think of your plant like a person.  Someone with a balanced diet of organic food, living in a sustainable environment is likely to live out their entire life in superb health and wellness. A plant’s life cycle is no different.  When a plant has a balanced diet in a healthy environment, it will thrive and reach its genetic potential.  A living soil ensures a plant has a full buffet to choose from throughout its entire life cycle.  Plants and people are the same when it comes to feeding; how would you feel if you were waiting around for someone to give you food? What if you were given food you didn’t want or someone forgot to feed you altogether? You would be exhausted and withering away! Here are some of the benefits of living soils for cultivating the optimal garden:

  • Enhanced flavor
  • Natural pest mitigation
  • Strong roots
  • Low environmental impact
  • pH balanced
  • Sourced from sustainable materials
  • Reduced labor
  • Maximum yields

Balance Through Simplicity

Like so many things in life, the secret is balance.  We need each of these organisms living in soil working in conjunction with each other.  A living soil mix allows the plant to reach its full genetic potential without the limitations of human feeding schedules. Plants in nature are able to flourish because their environment makes all of the beneficial material readily available.  Living soil allows a cultivator to replicate nature by avoiding dependence on chemicals, pesticides and eliminates time spent pandering to tedious feeding cycles.  Living soil leads to happy and healthy plants while freeing up time and effort for the grower.  Living soil will give your garden the most natural and sustainable environment, giving way to maximum yields.  Just as Mother Nature intended.

Download Our Brochure    living soil brochure


What are gardening soil amendments?


Gardening soil amendments are great for your garden!

Most people use this word to simply describe a substance that helps soil change its properties when added to it.

We mold out this definition simply to provide clarity and distinguish our customers. In this era, we heavily focus on the chemical inputs like fertilizers, etc., but we ignore the other two types of soil amendments. At Sohum Soils, we divide the soil amendments or conditioners into three distinctive categories:

Fertilizers: They may be organic or synthetic. It is a soil amendment that provides nutrients to the plants.

Soil inoculants: Soil inoculants are particles that improve the soil food web by adding biology to the soil. These substances, mainly focus on fungi or bacteria and some beneficial nematodes that play important roles in carbon cycles.

Soil Amendments: They are the substances that enhance the soil properties. They mainly focus on areas such as soil pH, soil compaction, cation exchange capacity, and water holding capacity.

Importance Of Soil Amendments:

Soil amendments mainly consist of organic matters. Plant and animal remains that are in various stages of decomposition (referred to as compost) are mostly used. Compost decomposes the soil immediately when added to it. It provides a rich food source for the microorganisms in the soil. They eat the plant and the animal remains and die eventually, thus adding themselves to soil composition. The end product is a dark-brown colored humus, which is extremely important to the soil composition because it readily forms chelates with the soil particles and increases the water holding capacity. We are helping the plants sustain a healthy life by providing organic matter as soil amendments.

Soil amendments are used to repair damaged soil and to help maintain the soil quality for plant life. When the soil amendments are added to the soil, they help  loosen and replenish the soil. As well, as maintain nutrients that helps the plants to flourish. It is best to mix the soil amendments and the soil before planting. Although, they work great when placed on the top of the soil after planting the crop.

The soil’s ability to hold and release various elements and compounds that plants need for nutrition is through a process called Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). Cation Exchange Capacity is balanced by adding soil amendments. Soil Amendments work by binding with the atoms that are needed for the plant to grow. They also released certain nutrients at the time when the plant needs them the most. The property of the soil is ultimately changed through the soil amendments to be a perfect state that a plant needs to grow.

Vital Roles Of Soil Amendments:

> Improved soil structure and aeration

> Increased water-holding capacity.

> Increased availability of water to plants

> Reduced compaction and hardpan conditions.

> Improved tile drainage effectiveness

> Alkali soil reclamation

> Release of “locked” nutrients

> Better chemical incorporation

> Better root development